Ways to Give Back
Lincoln Heritage Public Library greatly appreciates all book donations and financial contributions to support our mission. Learn about the different ways you can give below.
Donate Materials Year Round
LHPL gladly accepts donations of your gently used books and selects other materials at both branches! Materials you no longer want can help ensure that learning continues in our community for all.
Donation List
We accept: (Please note the exceptions listed below)
Books; Magazines (that are published monthly and are no more than three years old); CDs; DVDs
We do NOT accept the following:
VHS tapes; Encyclopedia; Reader’s Digest Condensed Books; Consumer Reports; Professional law books; Textbooks dated 2017 or earlier
We ask that donated material be:
Free of mold, excessive dust, or dirt; In reasonable condition, void of major damage; and
Playable if the item is in CD or DVD format.
You may bring your donations (four boxes or less) to the library during regular hours. Please box your books (no bags or loose donations) and close the boxes before donating. Boxes, if you need them, are available at the drop-off point. For questions or help with donations larger than four boxes, please call us at 812.937.7170.
When we sell your donated books at our Underground Bookstore, the proceeds help support more library programs that promote learning and community building.
Monetary Donations
Individuals and corporate sponsorships, legacy funds, and named gifts are all important resources for the library. Some people prefer to make a financial contribution, which is also welcome. Monetary donations in cash or checks are accepted at both library locations or you can donate electronically through our PayPal Account by scanning the QR code below. Past monetary donations have gone to specific items to enhance the beauty and artistry of the library. A monetary contribution will bequest, or endowment is an excellent way to give back to the community for many years.
Memorial/Honor Books
The library accepts donations to purchase books for the library as a memorial (in memory of loved ones who have passed) or honor (to acknowledge living family or friends). Library staff chooses books that reflect the interests of the remembered person (memorial/honor). A bookplate with that person’s name and the person/family donating is added to the book. An acknowledgment of this gift is sent to the family of the memorial/honoree. Memorial/Honor Form
Spencer County Community Foundation
Please consider giving to the Lincoln Heritage Public Library Endowment Fund. The Lincoln Heritage Public Library established an agency fund for patrons to donate to help the library. These funds are invested to generate earnings distributed to the library annually. For more information, please click this link.
Amazon Purchases
When you shop for books, movies, electronics, gifts, and more at Amazon, click the “Amazon Purchases” button above. Amazon will donate about 7.5% of your purchases to the Lincoln Heritage Public Library at no cost. Your purchases at will help the Lincoln Heritage Public Library. To give back to the library using Amazon, please click this link.