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Homebound- Outreach

The library provides Homebound Services to patrons who are temporarily or permanently unable to come to the library due to illness, physical disabilities, or other extenuating circumstances. This service is provided to homebound persons of any age who live independently or in senior living facilities.

To qualify for this free service, the homebound patron must live in Northern Spencer County. Once residency is determined, the patron will be issued a library card. If the patron already has a card, it will be renewed and updated to reflect the establishment in the Homebound program.

Call us at 812-937-7170 to learn more. You can apply for this service by filling out the form below. If you live in a senior living facility, please contact your facility’s activity director to sign up.

How does Homebound Service work?

Upon completing the application form and acceptance into the program, Justine Thomas, our Homebound/Outreach Coordinator will be in touch and provide a monthly delivery service. She will make every effort to select the kinds of materials you enjoy based on reading preference and from the feedback we receive. After selecting materials, Justine will contact you to arrange a pickup and delivery time. She is always available to you by email ( or phone (812.937.7170).

Once enrolled in the program, you can still access our online resources with your library card number. Another thing to note is that because we have an extended checkout period and deliveries are limited to once per month, we may need to collect bestsellers that will not have renewals left due to another hold on that item.

The homebound program is designed for our patrons without one to provide this service. Suppose you have a family member, neighbor, or friend who would like to pick up your library material for you. In that case, they will need to speak to the circulation staff at the library to become authorized to check out material for you.

Patron Eligibility: To qualify for this free service, the homebound patron must live in Northern Spencer County. Once residency is determined, the patron will be issued a library card. If the patron already has a card, it will be renewed and updated to reflect the establishment in the Homebound program.

Delivery Schedule

Deliveries will be made on a monthly cycle during the work week (Thursdays & Fridays) between the hours of 10 am to 4 pm. These deliveries will be made to the front door. Justine will drop off the new library items and pick up the old ones due back at the library. If items need an extension, please call her at 812.937.7170.

Fines and Fees

There will be no late fees or fines on materials checked out through this program.

Materials Available

Our homebound patrons may borrow any circulating item. These items include books, books in large print, audiobooks, music CDs, children’s materials, and movies. You may request specific titles by calling Justine at 812.937.7170.

If you would like to receive Homebound Delivery Service, please call (812) 937-7170 and mention your interest in the homebound program.